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On site Events

Face-to-face events are a unique experience characterized by personal interactions. Successful implementation requires careful planning, taking into account crucial factors such as venue, participant interaction, clear communication, a varied program, technological support and safety precautions. Integrating an online web app provides additional support for event guests by facilitating their participation and enabling interactive elements for an even more engaging experience.

Registration and Registration

Guests get easy access to the event program and the ability to personalize their own schedule. Organizers have the advantage of flexible program management with real-time updates for participants.

Interactive Features

Guests have the opportunity to take part in live chats, Q&A sessions, surveys and votes, increasing the interactivity of the event. 

The organizer can generate improved attendee engagement, real-time feedback and data collection for future events. 


Virtual networking opportunities to socialize and network with other participants are made easier for guests. Promoting networking, analyzing participant interactions for future events opens up many new opportunities for organizers. 

Participant feedback and analytics

 ONevents creates the opportunity to give feedback and evaluate your own experience. This allows the organizer to collect valuable data to evaluate the quality of the event and improve future events.

Contemporary business people clapping their hands at conference or other corporate event
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