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โ€œNew messageโ€ notification

Increase interaction rates at events.

In an ONevents event, short messages can be sent within an event using the โ€œMessagesโ€ module. Guests can also send messages to each other and communicate in this way. So that you don't miss any messages even if you are not online, you can now receive a notification when you have received a message.

Set email as notification

It is now possible to create an individual, personal email when a guest receives a message in the platform's own messenger.

This email can be created in the email editor and triggered with the Message Received event.

This means that individual messages that are also personalized can be easily created and constantly adjusted. Completely in the event design and with direct links to the event.

Have fun trying!

If you want to know more about the topic, don't hesitate contact us!

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