Live streams & video
Streaming with all the extras
Live streams with the ability to display asked questions provide a dynamic platform for broadcasting events in real time. During the live stream, participants can ask questions, which will then be displayed on the screen. This encourages active participation and allows speakers to specifically address audience questions. This interactivity creates a lively discussion and increases participant engagement during the live event.
More common Chat
The chat and moderation function at ONevents enable interactive and controlled communication during events. Participants can exchange ideas, ask questions and take part in discussions in real time. At the same time, the moderation function allows organizers to control the chat to ensure orderly and focused communication. This promotes a constructive exchange and helps ensure that discussions and questions are addressed in a targeted manner.
questions particular provide people
This function allows participants to ask specific questions of specific speakers, experts or speakers. These targeted questions promote direct communication between participants and the people concerned and enable targeted discussion on specific topics or content. This supports high-quality interaction and knowledge exchange within the event. The incoming questions can be filtered, edited and sent to the right people in the platform management in real time.