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ONevents Success Story:

IT Innovation Day

Sparkasse Oberรถsterreich looks beyond the digital horizon

Banks are dusty: With a virtual event location, speakers in 3D and robots, Sparkasse Oberรถsterreich impressively proved the opposite at its IT Innovation Day 2021. With the help of ONevents, the innovative bank put together a unique digital event and received a storm of enthusiasm from participants and industry insiders.

IT Innovation Day

The Linz tobacco factory, as a creative lighthouse in Upper Austria, was the venue for the IT Innovation Day 2021 - albeit fictitious, because the almost 700 participants sat in front of their PCs. With a click of the mouse, they entered the digital launch pad - a 3D model of the event location that visitors navigated through. They were accompanied by the avatars of the speakers. These had previously been 3D scanned and virtually integrated into the event room. The avatars welcomed the guests during their respective lectures, which were then available on demand. The lectures themselves also attracted attention, and not just because of their exciting topics. A robot visited a speaker, virtual reality glasses were used and a digital dog also sniffed the scenery.

Visitors were able to watch exciting lectures in the 3D room and were greeted by 3D scans of the employees.

Mission possible

โ€œWe had an enormously positive response,โ€ says Ing. Martin Kocijaz, information technology specialist at Sparkasse Oberรถsterreich, about the success of the event: โ€œWe set out on a mission impossible, namely to impress technology-savvy people with an online event. But we accepted the order and carried it out.โ€ The countless enthusiastic feedback and the strong reach on social media channels prove the organizers right.

To the interview

Martin Kocijaz deals with IT innovations and digital solutions for Sparkasse Oberรถsterreich and, as an entrepreneur, is, among other things, the founder of an innovation expert network, the โ€œRadical Innovators", as well as co-founder of the Linz networking start-up CATCHGOAL.

Attention to detail

Kocijaz had help from Alexander Janda and his company ONevents, who programmed the online platform and managed the IT Innovation Day 2021 from the idea to the day of the event. โ€œOur main technical challenge was that every link in the virtual space had to be linked to the right destination. During the course of event planning, changes arose again and again - which is part of the process when developing a new event format. However, in a 3D model, every little thing naturally entails a whole lot of further technical changes. Thatโ€™s why it was particularly important to always keep an eye on the big picture while still paying attention to every detail,โ€ says Janda.

Click here for the interview

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