ONevents has many options for sending data to third-party providers and integrating third-party providers. For example, it is possible to push guest information to Emarsys in order to use the credentials directly in the company's own CRM.
The integrations in detail #
Emarsys #
The Emarsys user name and secret are required to establish a connection. If the interface is activated, registration information is automatically pushed to Emarsys upon registration.
Link to the provider:
Mailchimp #
Using the Mailchimp API, all registration information is pushed directly to Mailchimp after activating the interface. Here it is important to use the correct Audience ID in addition to the correct Mailchimp API key in order to display all the data in the correct position.
Link to the provider:
Stripe #
Stripe is used at ONevents for payments in the platform. If you create a paywall, payment by credit card can be made possible using Stripe integration.
Link to the provider:
Loader #
This interface is used for external load testing. Here an ONevents platform can be subjected to a load test to ensure that the current event configuration is suitable for the planned guests.
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