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Einen Event-Badge erstellen

Event badges are not just simple name tags; they are the poster child for professionalism, organization and creating an engaging event attendee experience. These badges serve as a means of identification and enable efficient networking by allowing participants to get to know and get in touch with each other more easily. By integrating personalized information such as name, company logo and position, event badges enable instant identification and create a friendly, welcoming atmosphere.

In addition, event badges serve as access authorization to various event areas, workshops or meetings, ensuring smooth organization and security. In the digital era, electronic event badges even enable automated verification and capture of attendee data.

Event badge design is often a creative process that reflects the event identity and reinforces the brand image. Whether made from paper or digital technology, event badges make a significant contribution to effectively structuring an event, facilitating networking and leaving a positive impression on participants. With ONevents it is possible to create your own event badges in many different formats and thus create the optimal badge for every event.

Check In & Badges menu overview #

Open the Check In & Badges tab in Settings. All settings for the event badges are shown here.

Web check-in app visible โ€“ Shows the check-in app in the platform for administrators and editors.

Show badge link in user list - Displays a button to open a guest's user badge in the user list.

Use external barcode scanner (or keyboard) โ€“ With this function, external barcode scanners can be used in the check-in app if you do not want to use the integrated camera of the smartphone you are using.

Identification field โ€“ Here the data field that is to be used as the identification number is selected. If nothing is selected, the internal participant number is used as an identification field. This will also be included in the generated QR code.

The settings for Check In Body Background Color, Check In Header Background Color and font color are used to customize the check-in web app.

Settings for Width, Height, and Alignment define the size of the event badge PDF and are specified in โ€œpointsโ€. Here cm and mm values must be converted into points and the correct size must be set.

The upload for Template file must be provided as a PDF and is the background of the event badge. Background colors, logos or other design elements can be uploaded here. The size of the file must correspond to the set width and height in order not to be distorted,

In the area "ContentsThe event badge is designed. Here the content of the event badge can be designed with HTML and CSS attributes. The placeholders (listed at the bottom) can also be used.

Create event badge #

A simple badge with first and last name and event logo would look like this:

<img width="200" src="%LOGO_SRC%">

Add QR code #

If you want to add a guest's QR code, the code is adjusted and the generated image of the QR code is added.

<img width="200" src="%LOGO_SRC%">
<img src="data:image/png;base64,%USER.QRCODE%">

Define CSS attributes #

An area for CSS of the user badge is provided in the Extra CSS input field. General CSS attributes can be defined here or new classes can be created. Default setting is as follows.

@page { margin: 0; } body { margin: 0; font-family: "Helvetica"; }

Print event badge & show preview #

To view the current event badge, simply click the โ€œShow example PDFโ€ button. An event badge with your own user data will now be generated and output as a PDF.

To view event badges of guests after setting Show badge link in user list switched on, the event badge was displayed in the user list for every guest and printed directly.

A PDF can also be created with all event badges for all guests. This function can be found in the user administration under the menu item โ€œData Managementโ€.

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